
How we identify and support SEN at Nansen Primary School

Staff identify concerns and report these to Mrs Turner, informal observations are then made and pupil and parents voice is gathered. Formal assessments are made half termly where all pupils progress is monitored and ensures any child not making progress is identified. We will further assess the child in more detail, plan how to support them, carry out the support for a period of time and then review how well this has worked. At this point we may involve external agencies. School and parents work together in making an identification and planning next steps to make sure their child has the correct support.

How do we support SEN pupils in school?

  • Toolkit trackers to plan appropriate work
  • Daily task sheets linked to personalised targets
  • Small group interventions
  • One to one intervention
  • Support from an Adult in class as appropriate
  • Access to the school’s specialist Hub, for children with more complex needs
  • Mentoring
  • Malachi support
  • Key workers as needed
  • Art Therapy