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Nansen Primary School

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Forest School

Children learn by being outdoors with nature. At Nansen, children are encouraged to look after nature, look after each other and to look after themselves. Planned activities allow children to develop a range of skills and take part in curriculum activities through challenges and meaningful experiences.

Regular experience of Forest School allows for children to develop:

  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Team work and social skills
  • Language and communication skills
  • Lifelong skills
  • Appreciate our environment

Every year, every class is provided with the opportunity to grow. The children embrace the idea of growing a vegetable from a seed, bulb or clove, and then when ready, planting them out into allocated raised beds. In summer, they look forward to harvesting the produce, which is either used for cooking with or selling to raise funds for future projects.